Wednesday, May 13, 2009

File Transfer Protocol.

FTP, or File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files from one place to another. You trasfer using programs such as Fetch from the local machine, your computer, to the remote machine, athene.
FTP is good as it makes it simple and easy to publish things on the internet. It could be a bit risky as it is easy to lose documents as you are constantly over-riding old information. These risks can be minamalised by saving backups to everything you do before over-riding it.
I think this is great and i learnt a great deal about making web-pages and believe this could possibly of great assistance in my future.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What I Learnt In MPI104...

What I have learnt in MPI104 so far this semester.
The 1st term in the first semester in 2009 had been an interesting one in MPI104. We have learnt many different things, from how to start a blogger, upload images, to creating links and miniature web pages.
I had always wanted to start a blog but never really new how until we started one in class. I have 6 posts displayed on my blog, have a look at my blog post and also this blog post for some interesting stuff!
I have made a few comments on other peoples blogs, here is one comment I have made, and here is a comment someone had made about a photo of mine.
Learning about was interesting. If you have a look at my DeLish acoocunt. I have book marked 15 pages and counting. Most of these pages are my classmates blogs but the others such as ELyrics , FaceBook and Funny Stuff Central are their purely because I enjoy these web pages.
I love Flickr, alot. I think it is a great way of sharing your photos with the world and finding many fascinating photos from others. On My Flickr account i have uploaded 11 photos. Giving the odd stalker a glimpse of my existence. I have a tagged a few photos from others as my favourites these are; 1 , 2 and 3 . I found these photos while randomly searching the Flickr pages and groups of others.


The advantages in using CSS are vast. I think it is great because a person can keep all necessary information on their web page, whether it is a blogger, MySpace or other page while making the layout and the presentation of the page completely personal.
Some aspects of the web page layout can be changed using templates. New gadgets may be added such as pictures, film or advertisements. By using templates developed by other people simple changes may be made in the layout of a page
The template option does not allow for the change if fonts and colour, or change of the content displayed on the page.
Accessibility is worth considering in web design because people want ease of access. No one wants to spend 20 minutes searching a page for the link of the info that they want.
A few of the changes I learnt how to make were changing the template, the font, and the font size and colour. I also learnt how to advertise on my blogger but opted for a slide show of weather photos instead.
If you want to see some templates, click here