Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Other tAGGING pages on the WWW.


mmmmmm.....delicious :P

hiii all. I rather like I didn't at first as thought it seemed rather pointless, but after exploring through it a little more, i started to discove the joys of the Lish.
It is good because, if you've found an awesome website for an assignment or just life in general and You forget the URL then jump onto DeLish and there it is, anywhere, anytime!
Also, because of the folksonomy, you can find out which sites are popular in many different categories, therefore, finding the best info, and stuff out there in the wide world of web.. with very little hussle and mucking around.

Have a look at my delicious account and the pages i've tagged :]

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I think Flickr is GREAT! I really do like it. It is easy to navigate, your photos are easy to upload and then to oragnise in sets. Then you can browse others photos with ease and check out the most latest photos and the most popular and make a comment on ANYONES photos. I like the group system they have going.
Check out the stick figures in peril - funny group.
Also, something that i haven't seen before is the geo-tagging. How good is that? So if you really like the look of something, you can see where in the world it was taken. And you can organize your own photos to where in the world they were taken.

I really do think that it is great, kind of like a less personal facebook, as you are only sharing photos not what you are doing every second of every day...

Check my flickr page. Happy browsing :]